National Longitudinal Study of Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use
May 27-28, 2014
6001 Executive Blvd, Conf Room D (main floor)
Bethesda, MD 20892
Meeting goal: to develop recommendations on best large-scale design and measures to assess developmental effects of substance exposure (including, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs; and beginning prior to exposure) during childhood through young adulthood.
Structure: 90-minute topic blocks, including one short presentation (~10 min) to outline the main issues to be resolved, followed by open discussion among panel members, and 10 min general discussion (for NIH staff or members of the public).
Themes for multiple sessions: Data harmonization; data sharing; ethical issues/confidentiality; design preferences, issues, and alternatives
9:00 AM: Call to Order – Michael Charness, Meeting Chair
9:05 AM – 9:45 AM: Charge to the panel: What should this study accomplish? (George Koob, Lisa Freund, Bob Croyle, Susan Weiss)
9:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Introduction of Expert Panel
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Session 1: What kind of (baseline) sample will be most informative?
Lead: Louise Arsenault
- Size (considering attrition at follow-up waves)
- Age span
Sampling strategy and sample composition
- Geography
- Diversity of subjects
- Pre-morbid characteristics (e.g., naïve to any substance use?)
Risk phenotypes oversampling
- Impulsivity/behavioral undercontrol
- Family history of SUD
- Mood/affect
- Trauma/abuse
- Other exposures
- Exclusionary criteria
- Optimal cost-effective intervals between scans/waves
- Recruitment and Retention
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM: Break
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Session 2: Neuroimaging data collection
Lead: Dolf Pfefferbaum
- Number of sites required to attain desired sample size
- Imaging modalities - prioritization
- Task fMRI preferences
- Technical advancements in image acquisition over course of project
- Data coordinating center
- Harmonization and quality control in multi-site scanning
- Data-sharing policies, including informed-consent issues
1:10 PM – 1:20 PM: Break to distribute lunches
1:20 PM – 1:35 PM: NIDA’s vision for the initiative (Nora Volkow)
1:35 PM – 3:05 PM: Session 3: Substance use data and biospecimen collection
Lead: Rolf Loeber
- Substance use quantity/frequency
- Substance use symptomatology & disorder
- Substance use verification/toxicology
- Accommodating changes in substance use patterns across waves
- Ethical issues/confidentiality in minors
- Genetic/epigenetic samples/testing
- Pregnancy testing
3:05 PM – 3:15 PM: (break)
3:15 PM – 4:45 PM: Session 4: Psychosocial/psychometric/psychiatric data collection
Lead: B.J. Casey
- Diagnostic and dimensional measures of psychiatric problems
- Dimensional measures of behavior
- Measures of psychosocial stressors
- Dimensional measures of affective processes (negative affective states, affect dysregulation, emotionality).Exposure to trauma/abuse
- Life/home disruptions
- Attitudes/perceptions/intentions
- Dimensional measures of social behavior/efficacy
- Social/environmental constructs (e.g., peers, state-level MJ legalization status, secondhand smoke exposure)
- Other domains of interest (e.g. academics, driving behavior, delinquency)
4:45 PM – 6:15 PM: Session 5: Neurocognitive/task data collection
Lead: Raquel Gur
- Executive function (memory, impulse control, attention)
- IQ
- Incentive functioning
- Social processing/theory-of-mind
- Other domains of interest
- Harmonization across sites
6:15 PM: Adjourn
Dinner at 7:00 PM (participants will need to pay for themselves)
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Wrap-up of Day 1 consensus
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Working group draft of prospective study design (Michael Charness)
Expert Panel Members:
Louise Arsenault -
Frank Biro -
BJ Casey -
Linda Chang -
Michael Charness -
Raquel Gur -
Rolf Loeber-
Robin Mermelstein -
Dolf Pfefferbaum -
- View the Complete Participant List