Below are links to more information:
The National Longitudinal Study of the Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use
A statement by Nora Volkow (Director, NIDA), George Koob (Director, NIAAA), Alan Guttmacher (Director, NICHD), and Bob Croyle (Director, Divison of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, NCI).
Study Description: National Longitudinal Study of Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use
A statement on the rationale, background, and study aims of the National Longitudinal Study of Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use.
May 27-28 Meeting Agenda
The agenda and goals of the public expert panel workshop at the National Institutes of Health on May 27-28, 2014.
Summary of the Expert Panel Meeting on The Development of a National Longitudinal Study of Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use
A summary of the public expert panel workshop on May 27-28, 2014.
Request for Information (RFI): National Longitudinal Study of Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Substance Use
Release Date: July 2, 2014
Response Date: August 31, 2014
Seeking Input from the Research Community on the Upcoming Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Substance Use
Dr. Nora Volkow’s blog regarding the Request for Information.